How to Create an NFT Easily: An Ultimate Guide for Beginners

It sounds a little cliche, but you don’t need to spend a lot of money on sophisticated marketing tactics to create a successful project. Rarible considers itself a community-owned NFT marketplace. Using Rarible’s unique token (ERC-20 RARI) makes you an owner of the Rarible project. This is a cool feature, but it was a little over my head for my first mint.

how to create an NFT

You’re then asked to consider what percentage of royalties you wish to claim on any resale of your art in the future. This gives you the chance to provide your eventual buyer with a full, high resolution version of your art, and/or additional material through a secret web page or download link. Below that is the most confusing option, titled ‘Choose Collection’. This is a very technical question about how the blockchain is set up.


And like domains, ENS names have value, usually based on length and relevance. With ENS you don’t need a domain registry to facilitate the transfer of ownership. Instead, you can trade your ENS names on an NFT marketplace.

how to create an NFT

Certhis provides users with their own collection page, custom-designed, using the Certhis platform! So every creator can give their collection the home it deserves. First of all you must choose the percentage of royalties for your collection.

The Crypto Punk art is the visual ‘thing’ we can find easy to understand, but the true value of the NFT is its token and the benefits it can bring by being on a blockchain. This can include being invited to exclusive in real life events. This is a database that is shared amongst the nodes of a computer network. Each block in the chain contains data and constantly check and update the data.

How to create and mint an NFT

In his early career he wrote for music and film magazines including Uncut and SFX. Ian launched Xbox magazine X360 and edited PlayStation World. He’s also a keen Cricut user and laser cutter fan, and is currently crafting on Glowforge and xTools M1.

how to create an NFT

Once created, the asset will have a unique ID on the Algorand blockchain. If you ran the code above, you can use a block explorer to find your newly created NFT on TestNet. Again, it’s best to get comfortable with the concept of NFTs before diving into the deep end and selling them for double digits. Again, do some research into beginner’s NFT sites and decide from there.


Before making an NFT collection, you need to understand what an NFT collection is. NFT collections are several pieces of art that are sold together and typically have the same theme or aesthetic. Since NFTs are art, they’re generally designed to appeal to people’s tastes and sense of beauty.

Now drag your folder and drop it into the ‘drag and drop’ location, and voila! You have uploaded all items in the folder in one easy action! Creating how to create an NFT and transferring NFTs are just Ethereum transactions – minting, buying, swapping or interacting with NFTs does not directly consume energy.

Popular NFT markets include OpeSea, Larva Labs/CryptoPunks, Rarible, SuperRare, and Mintable. If you want to learn how to make an NFT because it seems like everyone else is doing it, there are a few things to consider. While most platforms allow you to make NFTs for free, selling them may be a different story. As a result, you might be wondering how you can start your own NFT journey as a digital nomad.

How do I sell my NFTs?

Here is one of my animated news round ups about the pivot. I create these animated news roundups relatively quickly/cheaply using Adobe Character Animator. Their launch washacked for $3 million, and they responded to the hacker and resolved the situation all in their brand voice of a used car dealer. It’s a perfect example of staying in your created NFT world.

how to create an NFT

Make your way over to where you can download the app or add the chrome extension. Just remember to keep track of your seed phrase in case you ever need to recover the wallet. You can also download the MetaMask app on Android or iOS but it is a bit clunkier than the browser extension. That’s why we’ve put together a step-by-step guide on how to make an NFT – and possibly even help you earn some money from your creations. The best-selling NFTs are either those by established artists, such as Beeple and Damien Hirst, or those NFTs that have ‘utility’.

Set up a digital wallet to pay for your NFT

NFTs are versatile—you have plenty of options for choosing which type you want to create. Your options include artwork, tickets to events, memes, media and music, games, virtual items, and more. You can even create an NFT for real-life items, like valuable collectible figures or a photo signed by a celebrity. Calling deploy() on a ContractFactory will start the deployment, and return a Promise that resolves to a Contract. This is the object that has a method for each of our smart contract functions. In Lines 10-28, we have our custom NFT smart contract, which is surprisingly short —it only contains a counter, a constructor, and single function!

  • NFTs are digital assets with a unique identity kept and verified on a blockchain .
  • Each NFT is unique and cannot be repeated, protecting digital art for a new crypto-audience.
  • It’s very important not to lose this, as it will let you recover your account if you, say, uninstall the app or need to set up your wallet on a new device.
  • It may vary from $7 to $160 at the minimum and may rise as per the dream project criteria.

If you’re selling a piece of art, you could use the properties panel to add information about it, such as the medium, year, etc. However, all these fields are optional, so a lot of people will probably be able to ignore them. Ethereum is a blockchain-based software platform with the native coin, ether.

As such, you found out that its speed, low gas fees, and some excellent tools are the main reasons why NFT developers explore Solana. Furthermore, this is where you learned that Metaplex’s Candy Machine is the tool that makes creating NFTs on Solana relatively simple. Last but not least, you had an opportunity to follow our lead and create your own example NFTs on Solana devnet. Originally created as a secondary marketplace, objkt now allows artists and creators to mint directly on its platform. It’s also popular among literary NFT creators and used by theVerseVerse co-founders Sasha Stiles and Ana Maria Caballero.

NFTs require the creation of digital tokens, through a technique called cryptography. In the crypto world, this token creation process is referred to as minting. Typically, to mint NFTs, you have to pay for creating smart contracts using cryptocurrency. Ethereum is the most popular chain, hosting famous collections like BAYC and CryptoPunks.

Create NFT Art with Style Transfer

Blend and mix multiple styles together to create something truly individual and spectacular. Amazing, code-free, bulk creation of NFT art in minutes. Keep up-to-date with how to create Web3 projects, launch dapps, build NFT applications, and much more. Integrate Web3 into any tech stack and follow step-by-step guides and get API endpoint references instantly.

The best way to sell your collection is to publish it on a platform, from which users can either mint items from your collection, or buy them after they are minted. Most large collections use a smart contract to verify ownership for their entire collection, rather than doing so one by one. This enables you to publish your collection uminted, and then charge customers with a minting fee. Certhis enables you to publish your collection on your own website and allows customers to mint directly from there.

How To Create An NFT Art Collection With No Coding

Add Web3 authentication to any app, and sign in users with their favorite EVM or Solana wallet. Set custom filters and stream live on-chain data to your backend as it happens. To start turning my poems into art, I asked my mom to mail me an old iPad she wasn’t using and signed up for an online illustration class at the Baltimore Academy of Illustration. I bought an Apple Pencil, downloaded Photoshop for iPads, and plugged in my Yeti microphone to practice recording audio clips in iMovie and GarageBand. I dug out my old poems from grad school, walked around Manhattan thinking of ideas and bought a notebook to start scribbling.

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